White Mountain Lake is a private lake. Lake Access is available for all property owners within the boundaries of the White Mountain Lakes County Improvement District (i.e. WMLCRID).
HOW IT WORKS: Property owners within the WMLCRID boundaries are considered "District Members" as they pay a small fee on their annual property tax bill. That money is collected by the county, who then returns it to the district for the purpose of maintaining the lake, improving the shoreline, and ensuring that all visitors are indeed District Members or their Guests.
To find out if your property is inside the district, go to the Navajo County Assessor's Map (Click Here), Select your property, and click on your parcel number to bring up your property information. From there, click on "District Charges" and look down the list. If you find an entry entitled "White Mtn Lakes Rec (28333)" then you are indeed a District Member, and your property taxes help fund the district.
OR, you can view the Parcel Boundary Map, by clicking the following doc:
GET YOUR PLACARD: Each WMLCRID Property can receive one placard. The Placard is essentially the "key to the lake" for District Members and will allow you easy access to the lake. Simply stop your vehicle in front of the office (the entrance building) and Patrol Staff will note your Placard number, and you will then be free to enjoy the lake. Should you forget your placard, it is not a problem, but it will slow you down just a bit, as Patrol Staff will have to confirm that you are indeed a District Member.
To receive your placard, you must go to the Lake Office and fill out a form with the following information: Member’s Name, Member's Property Address, Member’s Phone Number(s), Email address, and Current Mailing address. Once your property information is verified via the Navajo County Assessor’s website you will be issued your placard.
BRINGING GUESTS: There are four ways (see below) for your guests to gain access to the lake. Please note that you take responsibility for your guests. There are only a few rules, but it is vital that both you and your guests understand what is expected of them at the lake.
1) SHARING YOUR PLACARD: Your placard may be shared with your family, guests, and renters.
2) GUESTS IN THE CAR WITH YOU: Proceed as you normally would, by letting Patrol staff see your Placard Number.
3) GUESTS IN ANOTHER CAR COMING WITH YOU: As you arrive at the lake, the District Member should be the first one at the entrance, and should stop at the office to let Patrol Staff know that you have guests pulling in behind you. Staff will provide your additional guest vehicles with a Guest Pass for the Day.
4) GUESTS COMING TO LAKE WITHOUT YOU: If you are not able to pass your Placard along to your guests when they are coming to the lake, you will need to notify the Patrol Staff via the Lake Office phone (928-532-8099) during Office Hours (9a-3p daily). When calling in, please identify yourself as a District Member (provide placard number, Email address, OR phone number) and provide them with your guest’s information. Your guest(s) will need to stop at the office with identification and they will be given a Guest Pass for the Day.
LOST PLACARDS: If your Placard is lost or stolen, please report it to the Patrol Staff as soon as possible. You will need to pay a $25.00 fee to get a replacement Placard. If anyone shows up at the District Property displaying the lost or stolen Placard, they will NOT be allowed access, and the Lost or Stolen Placard will be confiscated.
RENTERS: A renter is typically defined as someone who enters into a rental agreement for at least 2 months (some exceptions apply). We have found that, in general, renters are notorious for NOT returning their Placards once their rental is over. Therefore, we do require a $25 deposit for renters to receive a placard. The Deposit is refundable when the renter returns the placard. This way, should the Placard not be returned we can replace it using the deposit. NOTE 1: If the property has already been issued a Placard, then the property owner should pass the Placard along to the Renter, as there will only be one Placard issued per property. NOTE 2: In order for a renter to receive a Placard, the property owner must complete the form below and return it to the Lake District Office.
GETTING ON THE LAKE: WMLCRID maintains the "Official Entrance" to the Lake (at 2015 Silver Creek Drive), complete with Parking for vehicles and boat trailers, a Boat Ramp, Boat Docks, and a Beach.
The rest of the lake is surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY. Unless specific permission is obtained to cross private property to access the lake shore, it is required that all lake users (i.e. District Members and their Guests) will access the shore from the "Official Entrance" maintained by WMLCRID in order to avoid trespassing. Once on the water, a boater is free to dock and use any portion of the shoreline below the private property boundaries.
ACCESS TO OUR "NON-LAKE" AMENITIES: WMLCRID also owns property on Carr Circle and Snider Circle as well as most all of the property that Silver Creek flows over downstream from Bourdon Ranch Road. Use of these properties and the creek below Bourdon Ranch Road is also restricted to District Members and their guests. There are a few easements that give Members access to the creek from roads to the south shore of the creek. Please note this portion of the creek and the lake do not require a fishing license.